Thursday, July 07, 2005

Couple of things creasing my forehead..

There is an eternal question every person (of the same sex) asks me on a first encounter, a question I am sure a lot of people are asked. “Are you single?” I know, it might be an innocent streak of curiosity or a kind way of striking a conversation, but what is irritating is the patronage that follows. “How can an intelligent girl not find a girl?” or “Oh.. but you are sooo beautiful..” or “But you earn good, that doesn’t add up..” I know all that, but can’t one just be single out of choice?? As if! Lol.

I always go around telling everybody my life is happy and it is the way life should be. I smile, I tap, I clap, I do everything but blow up a poodle out of a balloon. I genuinely believe being happy is the most important thing in life. But sometimes, I think I just pretend. To myself.

This is turning out to be a sad post.. I need to stop. No, I mean, I have work.. lots of work.. in case, you have not noticed.. I am not blogging regularly of late.. Blame it on the boss-man.

Yeh deadlines.. uff!


Rat said...

“How can an intelligent girl not find a girl?”

Typo ????

Arindam said...

forget the typo...if that was what it was...but why does everything have to revolve around marriage?

Jax said...

"How can an intelligent girl not find a girl?"??? :-O

And then there are people who instantly assume you could do with a little help from them. "What kind of girl do you want? I have this cute colleague who..."

Thetis said...

ok, ok .. a lil' typo

rat, jax: anyway with the guys i have around, i dont think it is that "unintelligent" an option either :p

mel: eh.. screw marriage!!

preeti: hi, i didnt even know anonymous comments were off..

sanity_sucks said...

i cant but help laughing out aloud !!! dude this blog takes the cake... sacchi!!!

“How can an intelligent girl not find a girl?” lol!!!!

Calvin said...

some typo that.. you got everyone here doing double-takes!! ;-)

damn boss-men everywhere.. *grr*

Calvin said...

by the way, how is it i only see you on Half-Nekkid Thursdays??!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

punya's link rocks, thx...

sameer said...


Ace of Spades said...

there is someone out there for everyone. she will come to you soon enough, it just might not be time yet. so be patient and love will happen.