Sunday, June 12, 2005

Blogging again!

I spent the entire afternoon playing this game called Desert Combat. I know girls are not supposed to play games like this, there are better games in town. I also know that Enemy Territory, Natural Selection or the good old Counter Strike rank better on the list. But hey, a game is a game at the end of the day. I am not an avid gamer per se, which translates into me being an ersatz tomboy. I admit to it. I turned to gaming only because one geeky friend who would spend hours in front of the TV with that lil playstation of MINE and get lost on those combat turfs, and since it was MY playstation I had to outdo him, also that, and someone had a crush on a certain someone. That was where it began, my obsession to video games (we stick to the old names). Did I mention I kick butt in FPS games?


SmartOxymoron said...

Kick ass? Are you sure? CounterStrike even?[SOxy throws the gauntlet at Thetis' feet and waits for her to pick it up]

SmartOxymoron said...

Looking over the previous posts, you come across as a thinking girl. A girl that can think, introspect and play CS. Pinch me.

Arvind Iyer said...

First Q- Wow! How did you land up here (I mean there)?
Whisper C.S and the world of IIT-KGP players (read geeks) will be ready to wrestle with you in any form of virtual combat. It's become their lifeline. Sadly, I can't empathise.
Second Q- Where were you from march to june?
Third Q-Do you think blogs/bloggers are a force to reckon with (as the media portrays it) ?

Thetis said...

Soxy: mm.. I donno. CS' jaded now, dont you think?

Iyer: 1) I know. Beat your Mumbai counterparts a few years back. They just don’t believe me. Some morons! 2) Working my way up the fiscal ladder. 3) Blogs? Huh?

Bonatellis said...

quite wonderful going thru your blog ...

Anang said...
Check that out for a little uber l33t female gaming humor.
You prefer CS source or ordinary 1.6?
Ever tried Garry's Mod for HL2?

Thetis said...

Bonatellis: Thank you.

Anang: Hehe.. I am putting that one up. CS:S had a few glitches. 1.6 is an oldtimer’s |)|23@|\/|. *geek alert* I quit gaming by the time garry’s mod released.

p.s. I sounded soooo geeky there.

Mirage said...

Ok...that sounded greek to me. I have absolutely no idea about all! But i guess they wudnt call it a 'crush' if it didnt hurt! ;)

Sinfully Pinstripe said...

She Lies Here.... What do I say? So be it then!