Sunday, February 05, 2006

I have never been able to tell a beginning from an end.


Anonymous said...


alice said... this is confusing...

Arindam said...

i don't know whether it's beautiful or not.. but it was one the most profound statements of the day. thank you.

Calvin said...

and is this either, or neither?

wendigo said...


Bonatellis said...

it's actually a very profound statement ...

SmartOxymoron said...

My shoelaces often have frayed portions ensconced in a padding of lint.

Im better than you at profound statements. Ha!

Arun said...

Dont bother. Just concentrate on the journey.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, People are actually analyzing a moment of verbal foolishness :-p

Jade said...

umm.. after that post, don't know if you're still blogging, but - you been tagged.