Monday, January 16, 2006


these hips are big hips
they need space to
move around in
they do not fit into little
petty places, these hips
are free hips.
they do not like to be held back.
these hips have never been enslaved,
they go where they want to go
they do what they want to do.
these hips are mighty hips.
these hips are magic hips.
i have known them
to put a spell on a man and
spin him like a top!

(A homage to my hips in the last few days; of cramped cars and small lifts and much more)


puneet said...

lol ... good one!!
and gettin in the company aint easy, u'll have to clear the entance, n minad u, its quite harsh ;)

apple said...

ure poem reminded me of grace nichols' The Fat Black Woman's Poems. they are quite witty and satirical!

the Monk said...

good one...funny..i think i can relate to the spinning man...

Jax said...

Aha...With this one, I think you are calling for an open battle with Fergie of the "my hump my hump my hump" fame!

alice said...

lol....i wish i had bigger hips....

Calvin said...


Arindam said...

Tee Hee Hee.

Spinning men...hmmmm....

Eastmancolour said...

hmmmm..booty !

"These hips....."


Bonatellis said...

reminded me of that song: "These boots are made for walking ...."

Once the Conman said...

OK... I didn't know you were back...
Welcome back...
Crossed a few oceans I see... Good for you.

SmartOxymoron said...

Funny, these associations. I just remembered the catchline from Godzilla - Size *does* matter.

Its a matter of time. Love, lies, weed and hips. They all grow.

Maybe not the weed. Tried growing some in the backyard and it didnt. Hips grow nicely though... especially on funny women :P

*SOxy picks himself up and runs, but not before pausing to get a good look at the magic hips and spinning about a bit :P*

Anonymous said...

I DONT have big hips!
But I could do with some though :p

Anonymous said...

For someone who has spent months ignorant of malls and the teensy weensy sizes they insist on selling.. your poem is amen to god's will... may broad hips dwell forth.

Bravecat said...


Amen to that!


Arun said...

lolol! good one!