Monday, August 01, 2005

She's hit the road..

The blog admin has been on a road tour for the last week or so, hence the absence of posts. She is expected to be back shortly.


Once the Conman said...


Calvin said...

road tour eh? we await stories from the road..

Arindam said...

road trip in andhra? whoa!!!

:D yenjaaaai

alice said...

come back crazy little girl...

Sinfully Pinstripe said...

So write about it too, when u r back, ok?

Penny Lane said...

Ooooh... road tour huh? What's that like?

Rat said...

We want all the details of the road tour once your back.

the cowlick said...

lol. thanks for caring about us so much though.. to drop in a line while you're on a road trip :D

Anonymous said...

hi yall..

finally i ve got a line where i can connect my laptop.. so episodal outlet of the adventures..