Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Here's the thing..

I don’t say it is wrong to be arrogant. You can be arrogant. Arrogance is just a human flaw, among others such as immaturity, narcissism, patriotism, tooth decay et al.

I see a lot of people being offended on their encounters with such brats. Don’t!

In fact, feel sorry for them. They nurse insecurities and fears far deep rooted than any of your shallow counterparts.

Well, take it from me..


Jax said...

Well you are right. We should feel sorry for them. But is it okay to show our feeling sorry with a hard kick in the groin? ;) And narcissism is a flaw? ;)

Dr. Pissed said...

humans are flawed by design.
I totally agree!

Oneirodynic said...

Is it arrogance or being yourself?

Sometimes people cant stand honesty.Brutal honesty,that is.

Arindam said...

hmmmm....interesting thought that.

Once the Conman said...

Arrogance is a flaw??? Since when?
Let people be who they are man. And if they offend anyone by telling that person to his face that he's a piece of shit, well... too bad.
I agree with oneirodynic (why did you choose this ID?)... sometimes honesty is misunderstood for arrogance, sometimes silence is misunderstood for arrogance...
And sometimes... people misunderstand it so often and tell the person he's arrogant, he eventually just becomes arrogant.

Anonymous said...

ah! oneirodynic, conman.. i used to be you.. dont worry, you will grow up too :p


Humour and last laugh said...

i fully agree!

Anonymous said...


Once the Conman said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

time dwarfs everything...

Anonymous said...

what the F***'s your problem, conman?

SmartOxymoron said...

Oooh... an eclectic collection of mal content eccentrics we have here. Add me to the list.

About arrogance, right said Thetis, except that I think arrogance is a bad thing.

Penny Lane said...

There are so many arrogant people at work.. sometimes I just want to shoot them all!

Dr. Pissed said...


SmartOxymoron said...

[Penny lane]Here, I'll let you borrow my dEagle, but you'll have to get your own ammo.
Earplugs advised... the dEagle is one *loud* bird.

Desire said...

Each to his own

Sinfully Pinstripe said...

And inferiority complex.

Arindam said...

how're the CAT preps going?

Anonymous said...

Well now... hasnt someone been busy lately?

Jax said...

Do I have to do it again?? Wake aaaaaap!!!

Calvin said...

CAT prep eh?! what happened to careers in advertising and marketing?!

Bonatellis said...

knock knock!!

Arindam said...


Adi Oso-Groot Finch said...

u still around? living, wealthy and net-connected?

Arindam said...

still alive and kickin' i hope.... and the studies going well too...

Naina said...

sheesh i wanted that blog name for me...and now i know who got it

*bad loser moi*

Eastmancolour said...

ok here's an idea

GET BACK !)#(*@)$(&!)@#& ~!

SmartOxymoron said...

Echo Eastmancolour. Need to see you here again.

Bonatellis said...

knock knock

Jade said...

Hello? Anyone here?

SmartOxymoron said...

Come off it now!

Anonymous said...

Happy new year!! To one and all. I forgot my password :p